Monday, October 6, 2008


When looking at my classmates project I realized that we had certain things that were similar. One way was how she grouped the paper, which was by fours. Also when doing my project I always thought about keeping a triangular shape; the same way she has her triangular shapes coming out from the center creates the same idea that I had when I started my project. Even though this project does have some similarities it is also different. My paper was put on the skewers flatly, where as her paper she folded it to create cylinder shapes that surround each there. When looking at the skewers you see that they are all going one direction. Her skewers point to one way in particular leads your eyes to go towards that direction. Another difference is how she doubled skewers to create the base of her project. When I put my base together I used three skewers to create the triangular base that my project sits on. The last difference I see in her project is how the skewers stick through the center of the cylinders to keep them up. In my project the skewers on the side keep up the paper.

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